woman sitting on brown bench while reading book

Ways to Strengthen Your Faith

Have you ever thought of what it would look like to put your faith in a chair? What would it look like?

Well, I doubt you would just stare at the chair to prove your “faith” in it. I also don’t think you would craft arguments as to why the chair was trustworthy or why you trusted it. No!

If you have faith in the chair to do what a chair does… you sit in it!

Faith when associated with religious practices has honestly muddied our brains with nonsense about what it looks like to have faith in God. Faith is when we exercise trust.

One of Websters many definitions of faith is this: “complete trust”

The bible makes clear that faith is a certitude that is demonstrated even when we can’t see the thing in which we hope. Hebrews 11:1 says it best.

Hebrews 11:1: “Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.” This verse defines faith as a confident trust in God’s promises, even when we can’t see the outcome.

So, how in fact do we strengthen a quality in which we almost always will encounter push back and maybe even mockery?


Just like a gymnast practices over and over again on the uneven bars a routine that may defy gravity and human flexibility, we too can “practice” the exercises of faith that result in defying expectations.

We put into practice the sort of confidence as described in Hebrews 11 by witnessing over and over again internally and externally how God is intervening time after time, day after day in our lives.

It’s a life of acknowledging every breath is a miracle He has so graciously given us and in practice we are exercising the subtle acknowledgment of His goodness to daily provide for us in spite of our sinful world and our sinful nature.

In short, we slowly rewire our innermost convictions to say, “Yes, Amen, God has done that and God will do that again.” in every opportunity of acknowledgement that we can. The reps we exercise in this internal conviction prepares us for massive moments of when our faith is put on display for his purpose and glory. So, that others may glorify God.

Think about how Hebrews 11:6 continues in this thought:

Hebrews 11:6: “And without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is and that He is a rewarder of those who seek Him.”

It is in our faith and trust in God that we exercise in relationship that makes it possible to please Him with our lives. He supplies us with what we need to show up in faith, which leads me to my next thought.

Faith requires humility. Our humility before God is ultimately how we receive the sort of equipping in faith as it is described in the scriptures. Without laying aside “me” for “HIM” my faith is merely performative.

This is why we not only must immerse ourselves in the scriptures and meditate on them day and night, but we must be honest with ourselves and with others in our walk with God.

So often a lack of honesty with ourselves and with a community keeps us from finding and discovering the truth about walking with God.

The threat of being found out as a fallen and imperfect creature by a religious community gets built into a lie of tribulation that will not provide us with further sanctification as we ought to rejoice in. Don’t let the schemes of the enemy.

Here’s ultimately my encouragement to you if you feel you are struggling with your faith. Fear not. Do not be anxious. God is not mad nor angry at you for your lack of faith. Think about all the grace he has lavished upon you to get you to this point in time.

Then, ask HIM for the faith you need. Ask him to supply you with the hope and trust you need. It doesn’t take much. All we need is the faith the size of a mustard seed to move mountains.

Matthew 17:20 – He said to them, “Because of your little faith. For truly, I say to you, if you have faith like a grain of mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move, and nothing will be impossible for you.”

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