• How to Develop an Attitude of Gratitude in All Circumstances

    How to Develop an Attitude of Gratitude in All Circumstances

    Gratitude Matters

    Gratitude can truly have a transformative power in our lives. I use to get so annoyed by the clichés for gratitude. The problem is that if we let our annoyances drive our willingness to change we will remain stuck. So, I had to get over the annoyance and realize that gratitude can really make a difference and I’m not talking just putting on rose colored glasses and ignoring problems.

    Having gratitude is an attitude that requires effort. It’s upstream of our feelings. If you’re like me, feelings of depression and discouragement are easier to come by. I refer to easy or default emotions as downstream. So expressing gratitude will always come with the price of intentional thought. upstream.

    Gratitude is a quality that we harness to refuse the downward spiral and to acknowledge, in spite of life’s challenges, to see the good and the blessings all around us. So, gratitude is fueled by our focus on the small, seemingly insignificant blessings and not simply faking positivity.

    Gratitude is especially impactful in our difficult seasons, because it is so difficult to come by in the midst of an onslaught of challenges and negative thoughts. While it might be so incredibly hard to invoke gratitude when everything seems to be hitting the fan. Living in the practice of expressing gratitude will help you get in the habit in the “good” seasons so that you’re ready for the bad seasons. It’s in those hard times that it will help you find peace, strength, and perspective in the midst of the storm.

    Scripture is filled with passages that help remind us to express our gratitude regularly. Consider 1 Thessalonians 5:18: “Give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.”

    Gratitude is a Choice

    Acknowledge that gratitude often doesn’t come naturally, especially in challenging situations. It’s important to remember that we have to choose to have gratitude. We drift toward complaint or ingratitude which is a reflection of discontentment.

    So what we do is that when discontentment or ingratitude is stirred up in us we repent or turn toward the exact opposite by choice. This again requires a self-awareness that reflects a maturity in our lives.

    Some practical ways to practice gratitude and to keep choosing it is to put into your routine a pause and moments in your day that force you to think, ponder, and respond to the subtle things in your life you should express gratitude for.

    From Problems to Promises

    This is why it is so important to then acknowledge the giver of all the things you have in life. To bring into focus your life for the purpose of glorifying God. When we focus on God’s promises instead of our problems, we gain strength and hope.

    In every situation, God is working for our good (Romans 8:28).

    There are a number of ways we can return to the scriptures and reflect on the promises of God’s presence and provision for our lives. God is not done when you are going through hardship. He is working things together for your good and you can sit in His presence without the feeling of ingratitude when you recognize His purposes on a grander scale.

    Take a moment

    Develop small, consistent habits of expressing thanks, such as keeping a gratitude journal or saying a quick prayer of thanks each morning. Don’t just wait for sitting down to a meal with your family and express gratitude more frequently

    Aim to make this a habit. In every moment commit to express gratitude and be persistent in challenging the awkwardness or challenge it can be. With time and persistence it can become a natural response, not just an occasional practice.

    Reframe Negative Thoughts

    It’s amazing what our focus can do when we take a moment to look around and vocally identify the thoughts that are captivating our attention and to speak the truth over them. Remember this is not an opportunity to partner with shame but to simply state the truth and own it and to deny the lie.

    Surround Yourself with Positive Influences

    You are the average of the 5 people you surround yourself with. That is why it’s so important to evaluate and to be mindful of the influences you have in your life and the community and company you keep. What sort of talk do they have about their circumstances? Have you ever been critical in your reflection of your time with others? Maybe it’s time to distance yourself from others that are constantly complaining, harbor resentment, or entitlement, and focus on what is lacking rather than what is present.

    Surround yourself with people who are uplifting and encouraging, as well as encourage you to seek the Lord in your struggles and challenges through time in prayer and worship.

    Practice Service and Generosity

    Another way to pivot or experience gratitude for yourself and circumstances to take your eye off of yourself. Stop “navel gazing” as it is called and lift your eyes up to the world around you and others who are in need. I’m not talking about having pity on others who comparatively might have things worst off, but to serve others as Christ would have you serve. This always knocks me out of the spirit of ingratitude and into living in the spirit and God’s will.

    This helps us shift focus away from what we lack to what we can offer and honestly the ultimate source of all things in our life. God.

    Serve in small ways by being thoughtful of your co-workers, or doing an intentional act of kindness for someone in need. Take a moment out of your busy day and even your challenging times and think about others. It’ll do you a world of good.

    Final Thoughts

    Gratitude can Impact Everything

    Gratitude reshapes us and gets us to live in the flow of the spirit. It’s where we experience the joy and peace of walking in God’s provision and out of comparison and ingratitude. It takes habitual intentional effort that you must into practice. Use routine to help you in the seasons where things seem to be better than the challenging ones and you’ll find it easier to face the challenging seasons with more gratitude than you had before. We can develop an enduring attitude of gratitude that carries us through any season by the grace of God. Be blessed!

  • How to Find Your Spiritual Gifts

    How to Find Your Spiritual Gifts

    Finding my spiritual gift has been an elusive idea my entire life in the Christian church and life. I’ve really struggled with what spiritual gifts might be accessible to me.

    I think there has been a little bit of a doubt in my heart that spiritual gifting was actually for me. The idea that God would bestow me with some sort of super spiritual gifting always felt beyond my reach.

    Why? Why would I believe that when it’s not in fact true.

    Honestly, it might be because I was believing an alternative gospel. One that required me to clean myself up or do something for my acceptance in God’s good graces to be used by Him.

    The truth is… spiritual gifts are made available to all Christians. It just might be a matter of timing or spiritual maturity that God is waiting on in you, but what I discovered is that this reality doesn’t change my salvation or God’s love for me.

    What are spiritual gifts?

    The bible has a few go-to verses about the spiritual gifts.

    You may turn to Romans 12:6-8 and see Prophecy, Serving, Teaching, Exhortation, Giving, Leadership, and Mercy listed.

    1 Corinthians 12:8-10 lists Word of Wisdom, Word of Knowledge, Faith, Gifts of Healings, Miracles, Prophecy, Distinguishing between Spirits, Tongues, and Interpretation of Tongues

    Now there is 1 Corinthians 12:28-30 which lists Apostle, Prophet, Teacher, Miracles, Kinds of Healings, Helps, Administration, and Tongues

    While there is debate about some of these the point is that there are some pretty explicit places in the scriptures that God made a point to list spiritual gifts.

    Why Do They Matter?

    We are given these gifts for a purpose and for the edification of the church.

    While there is debate on what constitutes some of these spiritual gifts as present in the church now and some include what appear to be roles in the church as gifts. However, there is no clear evidence in scripture that I have seen that gives reason to believe these gifts would be cut off or ended.

    While it may be the experience of some believers that they do not witness or experience these gifts in practice that does not mean they have ended.

    I do fear that the over emphasis of these gifts that has happened in the church is unnecessary. It’s important to keep in mind that obsessing over having received a spiritual gift does not determine ones salvation or faith by any stretch of the imagination.

    They are given in grace as it says in Romans 12: 6-8 and they are given by the same spirit. So, exploring the spiritual gifts based on merit or evident talents is not a very biblical practice.

    Spiritual Gift Assessments

    While I’ve expressed caution with regards to obsessing over spiritual gifts, it’s excellent to desire to live in them and to be available to their presence in the life of a believer.

    Keep in mind that it is at the heart of obedience and service to the Lord that we are to seek these gifts and not for personal gain or purpose. So, seeking the spiritual gifts from God is good and a healthy part of walking with the Spirit.

    While talents are natural abilities we can hone over time, spiritual gifts come directly from God’s Spirit and are often specific to His calling for us. You might find, however, that your natural talents complement your spiritual gifts. For example, someone with a talent for public speaking might find they have the gift of teaching or encouragement.

    Everything Starts with Prayer

    Seek God’s wisdom first in your journey to understanding your spiritual gift. Ask God for clarity and wisdom in uncovering the gifts He’s placed within you. Pray openly, letting God know that you’re ready and willing to serve in whatever way He calls you. Keep in mind that God doesn’t answer prayer on our timetable. I’ve watched many believers give up or become frustrated in their prayer because God is not “answering” in the way in which they expect Him to. God’s timing is perfect in all things. Even this. So, live faithfully in the immediate things He has called you to.


    Now in your prayer life ask for God to confirm the calling and gifts He gives to you. I encourage new believers to be careful in doing this by testing the spirits they encounter against the scripture and through the wisdom given to other believers wiser in their faith.

    Seek Feedback
    Affirmation may come through the encouragement and edification of the church. The opportunity to serve in certain ways that use your gifts or God presenting to you the moment in time to be obedient to use the gift He has given you.

    Your gift doesn’t happen in a vacuum. Our spiritual family can often see our gifts before we do. Reach out to trusted friends, family members, or church leaders who know you well. Ask them where they see God’s unique calling on your life. Their feedback can offer confirmation and may even reveal strengths you haven’t recognized.

    Serve and Observe
    One of the best ways to discover your gifts is to serve in various areas and see what feels natural and fulfilling. Join a small group, volunteer in your church, or participate in community outreach. Over time, you’ll notice where you feel most effective and where others are most impacted by your service.

    Final Thoughts

    Discovering your spiritual gifts is a process, and it’s perfectly okay if it takes time. God’s purpose for your life will unfold in His timing. Be patient with yourself, stay open, and remember that every step brings you closer to understanding how God wants to use you.

    As you discover and develop your gifts, you’ll experience deeper fulfillment and a greater sense of purpose in your walk with God. Embrace this journey, and trust that God will guide you exactly where you’re meant to serve.

  • The Role of the Holy Spirit in Emotional Healing

    The Role of the Holy Spirit in Emotional Healing

    You’re not alone in your emotional pain. We all face emotional heartache in life, whether from a broken relationship, grief over losing a loved one, or wounds from childhood trauma. We all carry emotional history.

    Many solutions promise relief by managing symptoms, while others seem to extend the pain. However, I’ve found that true healing is something we cannot achieve on our own—only God can heal us from within.

    Today, let’s explore the Holy Spirit’s crucial role in emotional healing. The Bible calls the Holy Spirit our Helper and Comforter. He brings peace, restoration, and healing to believers.

    Emotional Pain in a Fallen World

    Emotional Brokenness is Real

    Sin has damaged our relationships with God, others, and ourselves. Betrayal, loss, rejection, and deep wounds often leave us feeling empty, confused, and hurt. Emotional brokenness doesn’t discriminate; it touches everyone.

    The Bible is filled with people who struggled emotionally. David, a man after God’s own heart, cried out in deep agony:

    “My soul is in deep anguish. How long, LORD, how long?” (Psalm 6:3, NIV)

    Hannah wept bitterly because she couldn’t have children (1 Samuel 1:10), and Elijah once felt so overwhelmed that he asked God to take his life (1 Kings 19:4).

    These stories remind us that even the most faithful experience emotional turmoil. Like them, we need God’s intervention for healing.

    We Need Divine Help

    Though we often seek temporary solutions for emotional pain, true healing only comes from God. The depth of our emotional wounds requires spiritual healing, which the Holy Spirit offers. He alone can reach the deepest parts of our hearts and restore us.

    The Holy Spirit: Comforter and Healer

    Who is the Holy Spirit?

    The Holy Spirit, the third person of the Trinity, is often called our Counselor. Jesus described His role in John 14:16-17:

    “I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Advocate to help you and be with you forever — the Spirit of truth.”

    The Holy Spirit guides, comforts, and empowers believers. We can trust Him to play a vital role in our emotional healing.

    Sometimes, healing starts with humility—asking God for the help we desperately need, even when others try to offer explanations based on science or reason. True healing comes from the Holy Spirit.

    The Spirit’s Healing Power

    The Holy Spirit ministers to our emotional wounds in ways nothing else can. Paul explains in Romans 8:26-27:

    “In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans.”

    When grief, anxiety, or pain overwhelms us, the Holy Spirit intercedes, bringing peace and healing beyond our understanding. If you’re seeking relief, surrender control and let God work in you, bringing peace that surpasses all understanding.

    The Holy Spirit Guides Us to Truth

    Emotional healing often begins with understanding God’s love and our identity in Him. The Holy Spirit reveals these truths, reminding us that we are deeply loved and that our pain has a purpose. Jesus said the Spirit would guide us into all truth (John 16:13), including God’s desire to heal us emotionally.

    How the Holy Spirit Heals

    Conviction and Repentance

    The Holy Spirit convicts us when unresolved emotions like unforgiveness, bitterness, or anger hinder our healing. His conviction isn’t to condemn us but to bring us to repentance and healing. When we release harmful emotions, the Holy Spirit frees and renews us.

    Restoring Peace

    Emotional pain often leads to anxiety and unrest, but one of the Spirit’s fruits is peace (Galatians 5:22). The Spirit replaces our fear and anxiety with calm assurance. Philippians 4:6-7 encourages us to bring our concerns to God, and His peace will guard our hearts. The Holy Spirit delivers this peace, giving us emotional rest.

    Transforming Our Hearts

    The Holy Spirit doesn’t just comfort us—He transforms us. Romans 12:2 speaks of renewing our minds, a transformation made possible by the Spirit. As we allow Him to work, the Spirit helps us forgive, release past wounds, and break free from emotional pain.

    Practical Steps for Emotional Healing with the Holy Spirit

    Prayer and Surrender

    Start by praying and asking the Holy Spirit to reveal where you need healing. Surrender your wounds and unresolved emotions to God. Trust that the Holy Spirit knows your pain and can guide you to healing.

    Meditate on Scripture

    God’s Word offers countless promises of healing. Meditate on Scriptures like Isaiah 61:1 (“He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted”) and Psalm 34:17-18 (“The LORD is close to the brokenhearted”). The Holy Spirit will bring these Scriptures to life as sources of comfort and hope.

    Listen for the Spirit’s Voice

    Healing often comes when we quiet our minds and listen to the Holy Spirit. Whether through Scripture, prayer, or an overwhelming sense of peace, the Spirit speaks to us and brings emotional healing. Practice stillness and invite Him to speak to your heart.

    Join a Community

    Emotional healing happens best in community. The Holy Spirit often works through others to bring healing. Surround yourself with a Spirit-filled community, whether a church group, Christian counselor, or supportive friends. Galatians 6:2 reminds us to “carry each other’s burdens,” and the Holy Spirit empowers these relationships for healing.

    Testimonies of the Spirit’s Healing Power

    Biblical Testimonies

    Consider the woman at the well (John 4). She carried emotional wounds from a life of broken relationships, but after meeting Jesus, she left her burdens behind and became a witness for Christ. Peter, who denied Jesus, was emotionally broken, but after the Holy Spirit’s arrival, he was restored and empowered to lead the early church.

    Modern-Day Testimonies

    Today, people still experience emotional healing through the Holy Spirit, from overcoming depression and anxiety to finding peace after years of holding onto unforgiveness. These stories remind us that the same Spirit who worked in biblical times continues to bring freedom and restoration.


    Emotional healing may be a long and challenging journey, but remember, you are not alone. The Holy Spirit is always present, ready to comfort, guide, and heal your deepest wounds. If you’re struggling with emotional pain, take heart—the Holy Spirit has the power to restore you.

    Through prayer, Scripture, and listening for His voice, the Holy Spirit will lead you to peace and emotional freedom. Trust that God wants to heal every part of you, and through the Holy Spirit, that healing is not only possible but promised.

    Today, invite the Holy Spirit into your emotional healing journey and experience the wholeness only He can bring.

    Don’t let life’s challenges hold you back. Join one our communities striving for spiritual growth, deeper relationships, and purpose-driven lives.