Category: Identity in Christ

  • Stop Comparing, Start Thriving

    Stop Comparing, Start Thriving

    There is something unsettling about this concept for many of us because we struggle to overcome a critical spirit inside of us.

    Maybe it’s the fact that we want to be admired like we admire our idols, successful people, and Hollywood stars.

    We detest the way we are because we don’t measure up to the standards that get them all the attention and success they appear to have. We chase an illusion of perfection, believing that if we could just be more like them, then we would be enough.

    But here’s the truth: God didn’t make a mistake when He made you.

    The Lies We Believe About Ourselves

    It’s hard to embrace the way God designed us, especially when we believe we’ve been rejected by our peers, family, or society. Over time, we begin to believe the lie that we are inadequate, unworthy, or somehow less than. The enemy whispers that we need to change to be accepted—that we aren’t enough as we are.

    But the Word of God tells a different story.

    Psalm 139:14 reminds us:
    “I praise You because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Your works are wonderful, I know that full well.”

    You are fearfully and wonderfully made—not an accident, not a mistake, not a failed creation. You were intentionally designed by the Creator of the universe, made in His image (Genesis 1:27).

    Overcoming the Spirit of Comparison

    Comparison robs us of joy and blinds us to the beauty of our individuality. When we fix our eyes on the standards of the world, we miss out on the incredible truth that God has a purpose for our unique design.

    Instead of dwelling on what you lack, start asking:

    • What gifts has God placed in me?
    • How has He uniquely designed me for His purpose?
    • How can I use my story, my personality, and my talents to glorify Him?

    Embracing Your Identity in Christ

    The world may try to convince you that you need to look a certain way, achieve certain things, or fit a particular mold to be valuable. But your identity is not in the opinions of others—it is in Christ.

    Ephesians 2:10 says:
    “For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.”

    God crafted you with intention, meaning, and purpose. There is no flaw in His design. When you fully embrace who God made you to be, you walk in freedom. When you see that you are his workmanship in Jesus, you discover the good works you were made to accomplish.

    You can step out of insecurity and into confidence—not because of who you are, but because of whose you are.

    A Final Encouragement

    If you’ve ever doubted your worth, if you’ve ever looked in the mirror and wished you were different, know this: God delights in you. He calls you His masterpiece. He has plans for you that only you can fulfill.

    Let go of the lies. Reject the comparison trap. Stand firm in the truth that you are enough in Christ.

    You were made on purpose, for a purpose. And that is a beautiful thing.

  • Find Your Worth in God, Not the World

    Find Your Worth in God, Not the World

    I’m still not fully sure where things went wrong. As a child, faith felt simpler, God’s love, unquestionable. Yet, as I stepped into adulthood, things got complicated and disappointments began to warp my understanding of my own worth in the face of my faith.

    Sadly, I began to believe a single lie that caused so much turmoil within me and caused me to form self-destructive patterns with my life.

    The Lie That Took Root: Somewhere between Sunday school lessons and adult Bible studies, and my pursuit in seminary, a lie crept in unnoticed that I would later unpack in counseling and coaching. I began to believe that I wasn’t valuable to God. That the outcomes of my life were a result of his dissatisfaction with me and my sin. This wasn’t a loud, abrupt intrusion but a slow, creeping doubt that settled into my bones. Deep down I wasn’t willing to accept that God’s love was for me. It tainted every prayer, every sermon heard, and every verse read.

    This subtle, and brutal pride veiled itself in false humility. I found myself seeking counsel after counsel, sitting in different chairs, hoping for a resolution that never came. Each session ended with me feeling more desolate than before. My faith, that I thought was once a solid rock, had become crumbling sand.

    Exhausted and disheartened, I continued to seek wisdom and the Lord. Season over season God put me into circumstances that forced me to face my doubts and to wrestle with the truth. It was time to confront the lie head-on and re-anchor my faith in the truth of Scripture.

    Steps to Healing:

    1. My heartfelt Return to Scripture: Oddly enough, after all of my study of the scriptures, I needed to slow down my pace and let my heart embrace it again as I sat with the Lord I didn’t necessarily begin to pore over the Bible in revived bliss, but I did begin to allow myself to let the scriptures truths wash over me like a gentle rain. Meditating on well known Scriptures again like Psalm 139, which declares that I am fearfully and wonderfully made, helped rebuild what was broken.
    2. My intentional Prayers and Reflection: At first, I had to write some prayers out that I could use every day. Sure, just talking with God became a practice again, but having the written prayers and spending time in them helped me consistently return to what mattered to me in the Lord. In those moments of quiet communion, I felt the reassurance of God’s spirit reminding me of my inherent worth and purpose He gave me
    3. My Counseling Journey: Sharing my struggles with a trusted counselor was huge. I had sought many different counselors. I look back at those days as very frustrating because I did not realize that safety was something I felt was missing all of my Christian upbringing. So I struggled to make progress because I didn’t feel safe with the counselors I had up to that point. It was something I had to work through, each one of them could have been great, but it was not feeling the security of safety that kept me behind. When I found the counselor that I felt safe with, I finally began to make progress. His insights and affirmations provided a mirror of truth about God’s love with grace and compassion.
    4. A faith community to return to: So my views of church had become incredibly warped by my journey and experiences. It was hard to feel at home for a long time because my studies and attitudes about the way church “should” be kept me cynical and dissatisfied. I knew there wasn’t a single “perfect” church on planet earth, but it was my disappointments, my issues, that kept me from truly opening up at church and connecting with the community God led me to. Once I began to step out of my subtle pride and into the truth with real humility I found peace at church and a grace that reflected God’s grace for us.

    So, is this a story about finding my worth in God? On one level, yes. I needed to understand God’s love for ME, but that love brings about a humility that shapes our devotion and walk with Him. It’s a journey of not only returning to the truths that may have been overshadowed by life’s circumstances but it was a journey of finally embodying them. Yes, I had to do some work and dismantle the lies I believed with a counselor and coach and I had to reclaim the steadfast promises of God’s love for me.

    If you find yourself struggling with similar feelings of unworthiness, or are struggling to understand what is holding you back. It may not be subtle pride. It could be any number of beliefs that are not true that you need to dismantle with a coach or counselor. I encourage you to take a step today towards healing. Seek the truth in Scripture, pray for revelation, and surround yourself with those who will remind you of your true worth in Christ.

  • Understanding Your Identity in Christ: Embrace Who God Says You Are

    Understanding Your Identity in Christ: Embrace Who God Says You Are

    Who Are You, Really, in Christ?

    Discovering and living in our new identity in Christ are two completely different things.

    Many believers struggle to understand their identity in Christ, and even more struggle daily to embody it.

    I remember longing for a transformation as clear as Saul’s conversion to Paul. His encounter with the Lord on the road to Damascus wasn’t just life-changing—it came with a new name.

    For years, I equated his conversion with an immediate shift in identity. But now, I wonder—how much did Paul struggle with his new identity in Christ? Did he wrestle with the same doubts and challenges we face today?

    Yet, despite any struggles he may have had, Paul fully embraced his identity in Christ. Without that transformation, we wouldn’t have the powerful truths he laid out in Scripture.

    As a coach, I help men discover and walk boldly in their God-given identity as husbands and fathers. My goal in this post is to encourage you to embrace who you are in Christ and overcome the “imposter syndrome” that can creep in.

    The Foundation of Our Identity in Christ

    The first verse that came to mind when writing this article was 2 Corinthians 5:17:

    “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!”

    This truth is life-changing. If you are in Christ, your old identity is gone. You are not the same person.

    Romans 6:11 reinforces this:

    “So you also must consider yourselves dead to sin and alive to God in Christ Jesus.”

    Think about that—before Christ, you were spiritually dead. But in Him, you are fully alive.

    And yet, so many believers walk through life feeling defeated—weighed down by past mistakes, struggling with shame, and believing the enemy’s lies.

    I can’t help but picture someone trying to climb back into their grave—desperately holding onto a false identity that no longer belongs to them. It’s time to let go of the old and step into the new.

    The Struggle of Living in Your Identity

    Even after salvation, we still battle:
    The world’s influence
    Spiritual attacks from the enemy
    Our own flesh

    This is why renewing our minds daily in Scripture is essential (Romans 12:2).

    When we define our self-worth by:
    ❌ The approval of others
    ❌ Success or failure
    ❌ Past mistakes

    We lose sight of who God says we are.

    So, what’s the truth?

    Who Does God Say You Are?

    If you are in Christ, here’s what Scripture declares about your true identity:

    • You Are a New CreationYou are not defined by your past (2 Corinthians 5:17).
    • You Are a Child of GodYou belong to His family (John 1:12, Romans 8:15).
    • You Are Chosen and Set ApartGod has a purpose for you (1 Peter 2:9).
    • You Are Deeply LovedGod’s love defines you, not your mistakes (Romans 5:8).
    • You Are More Than a ConquerorVictory is yours in Christ (Romans 8:37).

    If God says this about you, then it’s time to believe it.

    How to Walk in Your New Identity

    1. Repent and Renew Your Mind

    Repentance simply means turning away from old thinking and aligning your mind with God’s truth. You are now empowered to live for Him in a way you weren’t before.

    2. Meditate on Scripture Daily

    Spend time in the Word. Let Scripture transform your thinking and remind you of who you are.

    3. Speak Truth Over Yourself

    Replace negative self-talk with God’s promises. Daily affirmations rooted in Scripture rewire your mind to think like Christ.

    4. Find a Community of Faith

    Surround yourself with believers who:
    Teach biblical truth
    Encourage and mentor you
    Hold you accountable

    5. Walk in Obedience

    You are responsible for your actions. True transformation comes when you actively obey God’s Word.

    The best part? God is incredibly patient and gracious. He is with you in every step of your journey.

    Final Thoughts

    Finding your footing in your new identity can be challenging. The Bible is vast, and without guidance, it’s easy to feel stuck or lost.

    That’s why we started this blog and coaching community—to walk alongside you as you grow in Christ.

    👉 Want more support?
    ✔ Explore our free resources.
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    Interested in coaching? Reach out—we’d love to help you step into your God-given identity.

    You are not alone. You are chosen, loved, and empowered. Now, go live boldly in Christ!